
POLL: Do You Have A Favorite TV Show? Take Our Poll

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean.

  • Question of

    What Do You Think Is The Best New TV Show?

    • The players
    • Letters From Silence
    • The Secrets of Betty
    • It’s Party Time
    • The Emerald Mystery
    • Mom Of Six
  • Question of

    Who Is Your Most Beloved Female TV Character?

    • Hailey Scott from The Emerald Mystery
    • Carrie Rayne from Mom of Six
    • Betty Raynolds from The Secrets of Betty
    • Queen Victoria from Your Majesty
    • Little Aimee from Meet Me Halfway
  • Question of

    How do you watch your favuorite shows?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Yes
  • Question of

    Which Show Would You Love To See Cancelled?

    • Fire In The Rain
    • Nobody Saw Nothing
    • Bye Bye Boss
    • Limitless Harry
    • Zombies In Your Head
    • Your Majesty
    • Meet Me Halfway

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Written by Chander Bahadur

An Alumni of Indian Institute of Banking and Finance

Accomplished Banking & Trade Finance professional with a robust record of 20+ years’ success in a multicultural environment across various domains, including internal branch operations, Branch Profitability, Retail Assets, CASA Sales, People Management, Training and Development, TPP Sales, Information Technology, Investments and Retail.

Represented KVB, HDFC Bank, Indusind Bank, RBL Bank in India and Crane Bank in Uganda at senior levels.

Extensive experience in implementing business-centered strategies to contribute towards organizational growth and profitability.

Innovative and technology driven, practicing banking consultant with solid expertise in offering globally aligned competitive solution to achieve organizational objectives.

Broad background in developing, planning, and executing market driven sales and exceptional customer satisfaction levels while building and developing high performance teams. Achieved consistently superior results in all job assignments.

A Senior Investment and Research Analyst. Financial Freelancer and author.


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POLL: What’s Hot & What’s Not – 2018 TV Shows